JFK Clubs & Activities
At John F. Kennedy Elementary, we think it is important that a variety of extracurricular activities are available for our students. From nature walks and robotics competitions to student council elections and spelling bee championships, your child is sure to find an activity that interests him or her.
Our clubs are a privilege for our students. We want to offer them as many opportunities as possible to grow and express their interests. But please remind your child that he or she must adhere to all school and club rules in order to continue participation. All students who participate in our clubs must receive permission from their parents before attending.
Nature Club
We invite all students in fifth and sixth grades who are interested in joining the JFK Nature Club to submit an essay expressing why he or she desires to take part in Nature Club this school year.
Nature Club participants meet immediately after school and board the bus to travel to Boyce Thompson Arboretum. After all activities end at 4:00 p.m., the bus driver will take each student to his or her bus stop, or we will drop the student off at JFK.
Student Council
Is your son or daughter the leader of the pack? Leadership skills will only continue to grow more and more important as your son or daughter gets older. Joining student council will allow your child to really practice being a leader as he or she orchestrates class events and communicates with other students and teachers on the student council team.