SJSHS Academics
The Arizona State Board of Education has adopted academic standards in language arts, mathematics, science, the arts, comprehensive health, foreign language, technology, social studies, and workplace skills. At Superior Junior/Senior High School, we give students the tools they need not only to meet the state academic standards but to exceed them.
In addition to our regular state-standards curriculum, SJSHS is proud to offer the following:
- Culinary Arts
- Marketing Program
- On-Site Computer and ITV Labs
- Special Education
- Vocational Education
Progress Reports
At SJSHS, we strongly encourage parents to stay in contact with teachers regarding their child’s progress. Students will receive progress reports midway through each quarter. It is the responsibility of the student to deliver a copy of the progress report to his/her parents. Our teachers always welcome the opportunity to discuss a student’s progress with parents, so please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher and/or guidance counselor whenever you have questions or concerns about class assignments, grades, or graduation requirements.
Report Cards
Teachers will issue report cards at the end of every nine-week grading period as a means of indicating each student’s academic standing. Superior USD reports grades on a five-point scale as follows:
A = Superior 4.0 90%–100%
B = Above Average 3.0 80%–89%
C = Average 2.0 70%–79%
D = Below Average 1.0 60%–69%
F = Failing 0 59% or less 59% or less (no credit received)